Course Description
Sculpt your core from every angle! Have fun working out with these awesome exercises! These moves will help you develop core strength, engage your abs and balance. Finding stability and core strength! Try it!
Your Exercises are:
Shuffle Run Twist
Criss Cross Oblique Crunch
Double Knee Pump
Sumo Squats Oblique
Warrior Balance Crunch R/L
Squat Bicycle Crunch
4 Rounds
30 sec ON
10 sec OFF
Your Exercises are:
Shuffle Run Twist
Criss Cross Oblique Crunch
Double Knee Pump
Sumo Squats Oblique
Warrior Balance Crunch R/L
Squat Bicycle Crunch
4 Rounds
30 sec ON
10 sec OFF
I am Kris- a passionate fitness enthusiast with a degree in Nursing and certification from Lesmills in BODYATTACK, BODYPUMP, and other freestyle programs like HIIT, CIRCUITS, TABATA, CORE and CORE HIIT. Inspiration, Passion, Dedication and Discipline - these are the words that pushed me to take a different path and helped me achieve what I am now. Being on the stage is a difficult task but it is fun and inspiring seeing people push their limits to achieve their fitness goals. I will leave you with this wisdom: "It's not what you do now and then that shapes you, it is what you do everyday".