Glute Builder & Thigh Thinner Full Workouts

Created by Vivian Yuan
Workout Details
  • Body Focus:Lower
  • Difficulty:Everyone
  • Duration:Normal Length
  • Equipment:No Equipment, Exercise Band
Course Description
This course includes 3 full 10 minute glute isolation workouts, supplemented with thigh thinning exercises to build glute mass while maintaining slim legs. Each workout includes narrated descriptions of proper workout techniques, easy-to-follow previews, as well as resistance band options to increase the difficulty of the workout as you progress.

Exercises include variations of squats, glute kickbacks, clamshells, glute bridges, thigh lifts, and more. There are a total of 35 exercises featured. Each exercise is 45 seconds on followed by 15 seconds of rest.

Recommended usage for maximum muscle growth:
1 glute workout + thigh thinner workout everyday (15 minutes), supplemented by optional hills or interval training. Take a rest day every 3 days and increase resistance every week for 3 weeks (easy, medium, high).
Start out with zero resistance if you are a beginner and medium-high resistance if you are advanced.
I am a fitness fanatic from Chicago, Illinois. I have been a dancer for much of my life and have recently switched into Zumba training through virtual platforms. I'm a firm believer in the power of music for motivation and the effectiveness of home workouts (when done properly) even with no equipment. I specialize in high intensity cardio dance workouts, where I blend plyometrics, strength exercises, and cardio dance moves for a holistic and fun fat-burning fitness experience!
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