Hot MaMa Squad W/O 1 ,Stability Ball & Light Weights

Hot MaMa Squad W/O 1 ,Stability Ball & Light Weights
Workout Details
  • Body Focus:Upper, Core, Lower, Full Body
  • Difficulty:Everyone
  • Duration:Normal Length
  • Equipment:Kettlebell, Physio-Ball, Free Weights, No Equipment, Exercise Band
Course Description
Join the Hot MaMa Squad, This course includes Full Body Workouts, some w/ weights, stability ball, wrist and ankle weights, kettlebells and then some are body weight workouts. There are also sessions just dedicated to abs, Glutes, legs and arms.. I am a 46 year old mom of 3 children and I want you to know if you are a mom struggling w/ finding yourself again this is the course for you. You can get your abs again!, you can wear a 2piece at the beach again, I can help you get your confidence back. Fitness is the Fountain of Youth.
Hello, I'm Courtney Stone-Moore, creator of The Hot MaMa Squad! Im an ISSA certified trainer. I'm a 46 year old mom of 3 and I'm here to show you how to get the body you want. Just because you have had kids you CAN have abs, you CAN wear that 2 piece you see yourself in walking down the beach, you CAN have a healthy lifestyle and I'm here to help you on your journey! Strength Training is a real life Fountain of Youth. I have worked out since I was 11, there is nothing I love more. Workout with me and find that joy that comes with self love and fitness.
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